This publication research database consists of publicly available research papers organized into several categories: |
1. STORM Related
2. Evaporation
3. Plant Transpiration
4. Humidity
5. CO2 Dispersion
6. Plant Factory Related
7. Leaf Area Index (LAI)
8. Other
1. STORM Related (Indoor Farming) |
Majdoubi, Boulard et al, 2016, Canary Greenhouse CFD Nocturnal Climate Simulation, Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 6, 88-100. |
Boulard, T., Wang, S. 2002. Experimental and numerical studies on the heterogeneity of crop transpiration in a plastic tunnel. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 34, 173-190. |
Bartzanas, Boulard, Kittas, 2002. Numerical simulation of the airflow and temperature distribution in a tunnel greenhouse equipped with insect-proof screen in the openings, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 34, 207-221. |
Boulard, Kittas, Roy, Wang, 2002. Convective and Ventilation Transfers in Greenhouses, Part 2: Determination of the Distributed Greenhouse Climate. Biosystems Engineering 83(2), 129-147. |
2. Evaporation |
D.G. Kroger and G.R. Branfield, 2007. Evaporation from a Water Surface: Theory and Experiment, R&D Journal, 23 (3) of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering. |
Vinnichenko, Uvarov, Plaksina, 2013. Combined study of evaporation from liquid surface by background oriented schlieren, infrared thermal imaging and numerical simulation, EPJ Web of Conferences 45, 01093. |
Khudheyer, 2011. Experimental Study for Heat and Mass Transfer from Moist Air Flowing Over Moving Water Film, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences. |
3. Plant Transpiration |
Hagashima, Narita, Tanimoto, 2007. Field experiment on transpiration from isolated urban plants, Hydrological Processes, 21, 12717-1222. |
Baldocchi, Dennis. Lecture 3 Characterizing the Vegetation Canopy, Part II: Leaf Area Index, Biometeorology, ESPM 129. University of California, Berkeley. |
Wallace and Stout, 1962. Transpiration Rates under Controlled Environment, Ohio Journal of Science, Volume 62, Issue 1. |
Xu, Gauthier, Gosselin, 1995. Stomatal and Cuticular Transpiration of Greenhouse Tomato Plants in Response to High Solution Electrical Conductivity and Low Soil Water Content, J. American Society of Horticulter Science, 120(3):417-422. |
4. Humidity |
Zorzeto, Leal, Coutinho, Araujo, 2014. Gradients of Temperature and Relative Humidity of Air in Greenhouse with Wireless Sensor Network, 2nd Intl Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology, IPCBEE vol. 79. |
Duncan, Gates, Montross, Measureing Relative Humidity in Agricultural Environments, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture. |
Omid and Shafaei, 2005. Temperature and Relative Humidity Changes Inside Greenhouse, 2nd Intl Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology, IPCBEE vol. 79. |
Shrimali, Meena, Khan, 2014. Data Acquisition and Supervisory System for Temperature and Humidity Control in Greenhouse, International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Techical Research, 19, 153-158.. |
5. CO2 Dispersion |
Liu, Lu, 2016. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Dispersion in a Complex Environment, Univerisity of Wollongong, Research Online. |
6. Plant Factories |
Tae-Gyu Lim and Yong Hyeon Kim, 2014, Analysis of Airflow Pattern in Plant Factory with Different Inlet and Outlet Locations using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 39(4):310-317. |
7. Leaf Area Index (LAI) |
Baldocchi, Dennis, 2012. Characterizing the Vegetation Canopy, Part II: Leaf Area Index, Biometeorology, ESPM 129. University of California, Berkeley. Department of Environmental Science. |
Zermas, Dimitris, 2017. Estimating the Leaf Area Index of crops through the evaluation of 3D models. ResearchGate. University of Minnesota Twin Cities. |
Asner, Gregrory, Schurlock, Jonathon, 2003. Global synthesis of leaf area index, Global Ecology and Biogeography 12, 191-205. |
Tesemma, Zelalem, 2013. Leaf Area Index Variation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Volume 15. Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia. |
Chen, Jing, Gower, Stith, 1997. Leaf Area Index Measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. Research Gate, University of Toronto. |
Jonchheere, Inge, Fleck, Stefan, 2004. Review of methods for in situ leaf area index determination, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 121, 19-35. |
8. Other |
B. Morille, R. Genez, C. Migeon, P. Bournet, and H. Bouhoun Ali, CFD Simulations of the Distributed Climate Time-Evolution inside a Glasshouse at Night, UP EPHor Environmental Physics and Horticulture Research Unit, Angers France. |
Buschermohle, Grandle, Controlling the Environment in Greenhouses Used for Tomato Production, Agricultural Extension Service, The University of Tennessee. |
Zuo, Gao, Zhang, Zhao, Zhu, Zia, 2011, Design of Environmental Parameters Monitoring System for Watermelon Seelings Based on Wireless Sensor Networks, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 5 (2), 243S-250S. |