Publication Research Database - Related to Indoor Farming Application(s)

This publication research database consists of publicly available research papers organized into several categories:


1. STORM Related

2. Evaporation

3. Plant Transpiration

4. Humidity

5. CO2 Dispersion

6. Plant Factory Related

7. Leaf Area Index (LAI)

8. Other


1. STORM Related (Indoor Farming)

Majdoubi, Boulard et al, 2016, Canary Greenhouse CFD Nocturnal Climate Simulation, Journal of Fluid Dynamics, 6, 88-100.
Boulard, T., Wang, S. 2002. Experimental and numerical studies on the heterogeneity of crop transpiration in a plastic tunnel. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 34, 173-190.
Bartzanas, Boulard, Kittas, 2002. Numerical simulation of the airflow and temperature distribution in a tunnel greenhouse equipped with insect-proof screen in the openings, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 34, 207-221.
Boulard, Kittas, Roy, Wang, 2002. Convective and Ventilation Transfers in Greenhouses, Part 2: Determination of the Distributed Greenhouse Climate. Biosystems Engineering 83(2), 129-147.

2. Evaporation

D.G. Kroger and G.R. Branfield, 2007. Evaporation from a Water Surface: Theory and Experiment, R&D Journal, 23 (3) of the South African Institution of Mechanical Engineering.
Vinnichenko, Uvarov, Plaksina, 2013. Combined study of evaporation from liquid surface by background oriented schlieren, infrared thermal imaging and numerical simulation, EPJ Web of Conferences 45, 01093.
Khudheyer, 2011. Experimental Study for Heat and Mass Transfer from Moist Air Flowing Over Moving Water Film, ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences.

 3. Plant Transpiration

Hagashima, Narita, Tanimoto, 2007. Field experiment on transpiration from isolated urban plants, Hydrological Processes, 21, 12717-1222.
Baldocchi, Dennis. Lecture 3 Characterizing the Vegetation Canopy, Part II: Leaf Area Index, Biometeorology, ESPM 129. University of California, Berkeley.
Wallace and Stout, 1962. Transpiration Rates under Controlled Environment, Ohio Journal of Science, Volume 62, Issue 1.
Xu, Gauthier, Gosselin, 1995. Stomatal and Cuticular Transpiration of Greenhouse Tomato Plants in Response to High Solution Electrical Conductivity and Low Soil Water Content, J. American Society of Horticulter Science, 120(3):417-422.

 4. Humidity

Zorzeto, Leal, Coutinho, Araujo, 2014. Gradients of Temperature and Relative Humidity of Air in Greenhouse with Wireless Sensor Network, 2nd Intl Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology, IPCBEE vol. 79.
Duncan, Gates, Montross, Measureing Relative Humidity in Agricultural Environments, Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering. University of Kentucky College of Agriculture.
Omid and Shafaei, 2005. Temperature and Relative Humidity Changes Inside Greenhouse, 2nd Intl Conference on Agriculture and Biotechnology, IPCBEE vol. 79.
Shrimali, Meena, Khan, 2014. Data Acquisition and Supervisory System for Temperature and Humidity Control in Greenhouse, International Journal of Advanced Scientific and Techical Research, 19, 153-158..

 5. CO2 Dispersion

Liu, Lu, 2016. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of Carbon Dioxide Dispersion in a Complex Environment, Univerisity of Wollongong, Research Online.

 6. Plant Factories

Tae-Gyu Lim and Yong Hyeon Kim, 2014, Analysis of Airflow Pattern in Plant Factory with Different Inlet and Outlet Locations using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Journal of Biosystems Engineering, 39(4):310-317.
7. Leaf Area Index (LAI)
Baldocchi, Dennis, 2012. Characterizing the Vegetation Canopy, Part II: Leaf Area Index, Biometeorology, ESPM 129. University of California, Berkeley. Department of Environmental Science.
Zermas, Dimitris, 2017. Estimating the Leaf Area Index of crops through the evaluation of 3D models. ResearchGate. University of Minnesota Twin Cities.
Asner, Gregrory, Schurlock, Jonathon, 2003. Global synthesis of leaf area index, Global Ecology and Biogeography 12, 191-205.
Tesemma, Zelalem, 2013. Leaf Area Index Variation, Journal of Hydrometeorology, Volume 15. Department of Infrastructure Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia.
Chen, Jing, Gower, Stith, 1997. Leaf Area Index Measurements, Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres. Research Gate, University of Toronto.
Jonchheere, Inge, Fleck, Stefan, 2004. Review of methods for in situ leaf area index determination, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 121, 19-35.

 8. Other

B. Morille, R. Genez, C. Migeon, P. Bournet, and H. Bouhoun Ali, CFD Simulations of the Distributed Climate Time-Evolution inside a Glasshouse at Night, UP EPHor Environmental Physics and Horticulture Research Unit, Angers France.
Buschermohle, Grandle, Controlling the Environment in Greenhouses Used for Tomato Production, Agricultural Extension Service, The University of Tennessee.
Zuo, Gao, Zhang, Zhao, Zhu, Zia, 2011, Design of Environmental Parameters Monitoring System for Watermelon Seelings Based on Wireless Sensor Networks, Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences, 5 (2), 243S-250S.